Saturday, May 14, 2011

Collected news, May 14

Burton Theater on Cass closes over a financial dispute with the building's landlord, hope to move to a new location in the fall (Detroit Free Press)

Obama administration allocates $336 million to high speed rail between Detroit and Chicago (Detroit Free Press)

At the Park Shelton, rentals are 100% occupied, the remaining 14 unfinished units are being built for sale, and commercial space will most likely soon be full (Model D Media)

Woodward Light Rail construction now being planned in one phase (Jefferson to Eight Mile), hopefully running in 2015 (MetroTimes)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Le Petit Zinc, 1055 Trumbull

Le Petit Zinc
, an awesome French restaurant at the corner of Trumbull and Howard, in the often overlooked southern end of Corktown. Everything I've had here has been great, including crepes and coffee drinks. And there's a patio!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

36 Hours in Detroit

From the New York Times:

"No video can portray the passion one finds on the streets of Detroit these days, where everyone from the doorman to the D.J. will tell you they believe in this city’s future. While certain areas are indeed eerily empty, other neighborhoods — including midtown, downtown and Corktown — are bustling with new businesses that range from creperies and barbecue joints catering to the young artists and entrepreneurs migrating to Motown, to a just-opened hostel that invites tourists to explore Detroit with the aid of local volunteer guides . . . No urban enthusiast will want to miss the recovery that Detroit is now attempting."

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Collected news, May 5

  • More on small business activity in Corktown, along Michigan Avenue and in the former Baile Corcaigh space on Trumbull (Detroit News)
  • First townhome for rent in North Corktown's formerly abandoned Spaulding Court (Model D Media)
  • Hostel Detroit opens at the corner of Vermont and Spruce in North Corktown (The South End)

Holy Trinity Church, 1956

This is such a great picture.

Woman painting Holy Trinity Catholic Church with watercolors on the trunk of her car.

March, 1956

Porter St, Corktown

(photo from the WSU Virtual Motor City Collection)