Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Move to Midtown?

Wayne State University, the Detroit Medical Center, and the Henry Ford Health System are collaborating on a new program called Live Midtown which provides incentives for employees of these companies to buy or rent a home in Midtown. As the three largest employers in the neighborhood, these organizations are attempting to become actively involved in its redevelopment. Although the specific guidelines vary between each organization, the general idea is that new renters can receive a total of $3,500 towards their first two years of rent, and new homeowners will benefit from a forgivable loan of either $20,000 or $25,000. Employees who already live in Midtown can also receive assistance through the program - renters receive $1,000 for renewing their current lease, and homeowners can get up to $5,000 to be used towards exterior renovations.

Craig Fahle discussed the program on his radio show yesterday morning, and he framed the conversation around the question, "What would it take for you to move to Midtown?" These financial incentives are obviously very significant, and there has apparently already been a positive response to the incentives. Of course, a move to Midtown will not interest every employee of these three organizations. Many with children are concerned about the quality of area schools, for example. Many of the commonly referenced concerns, such as school and crime, will only improve as more people move into places like Midtown and become invested in the neighborhood. Just by visiting, it's clear that the neighborhood is seeing a resurgence, and these financial incentives might be enough to give one final push to someone who has been considering a move to Detroit. More information on area boundaries and program guidelines are available at

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